익산 모현동 맛집 소곰집: 먹방 유튜버 야식이도 인정한 갈비삼겹

소곰집 익산모현점 전라북도 익산시 선화로3길 31-14, 101호 16:00-01:00 (마지막주문 23:30) 0507-1322-4288 NAVER Place 50m NAVER Corp. 더보기 / OpenStreetMap 지도데이터 x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap 지도컨트롤러 범례 부동산 거리 읍, 면, 동시, 군, 구시가지, 도 국가 소곰집 익산모현점 전라북도 익산시 선화로3길 31-14, 101호 예약 오늘은 익산 모현동에 있는 고기집 소곰집에 다녀왔습니다.
소곰집에 가야하는 이유~ 벌써 n번째 방문, 먹방 유튜버 야식님도 왔어요!
#갈비삼겹살 #익산삼겹살 #모현동맛집 #모현동고기 #익산모현동맛집 #소곰집 #먹방유튜브리아식 #유튜브리아식.blog.naver.com 이곳은 특제 갈비삼겹살과 각종 소금으로 유명한 곳입니다.
게다가 먹방유튜버 야식이도 맛있다고 인정한 곳이에요~ 벌써 n번째 방문입니다.
오랜만에 왔는데도 여전히 맛있어요~!
이제 소곰집의 맛있는 스토리를 소개해드리겠습니다.
찾아가는 길 소곰집은 익산시 모현동에 위치하고 있습니다.
가게 근처에 주차장이 있어서 차로 방문하실 수 있습니다.
그런데 주변이 먹자골목이라 식사시간에는 골목이 조금 붐빌 수 있어요~!
작은곰집 내부는 깨끗하고 아늑하게 꾸며져있습니다.
짐을 보관하기 편리한 의자가 있어서 공간을 편안하게 이용할 수 있어요. 4인용 테이블이 10개 있어요. (12개 테이블 중 10개만 운영해서 손님이 편하게 식사할 수 있어요.) 4인용 테이블이 연결된 홀도 있어서 모임이나 모임에 딱 맞는 곳이에요. 저는 데이트로 방문해서 창가쪽 4인용 테이블에 앉았어요. 매장 안에 숙성실도 있어서 고기를 240시간 숙성시키는데요. 고기를 맛있게 만드는 비결이라고 할 수 있어요. 숙성실에서 240시간 숙성시키고 그날 그날 고기만 판매한다고 해요. 먹방유튜버 야식이가 방문한 소곰집. 유명 먹방유튜버 야식이가 방문한 곳. 모현동에서 제일 좋아하는 고깃집인데, 먹방유튜버가 방문한 걸 보니 진짜 맛집인 듯. > < Menu This is the Sogomjip menu. They have set menus and individual menus. The last time I came, the portions were too much, so this time I ordered individual items to adjust my appetite. I ordered galbi samgyeopsal for 2, pork ribs kimchi stew, and red fried rice. ㅎㅎ By the way, you should order the red fried rice after you've finished eating all the meat or stew~ At the bottom of the menu, there are good instructions on how to eat galbi samgyeopsal deliciously. Dipping it in salt, pickled vegetables, wasabi, garlic soy sauce, and white kimchi, and wrapping it in pickled cabbage. Memorize it well, and when the meat is cooked, try eating it this way~!
This is the basic table setting of Sangcharim Sogomjip. To be exact, the basic side dishes haven't all come out yet. It's not really served until the pickled cabbage and the buckwheat noodles are served~!
The basic table setting is very generous. 10 kinds of salt to choose from At Sogomjip, you can choose from 10 kinds of handmade salt. It's low in sodium and high in minerals. Plus, it has a variety of flavors, so you can enjoy the taste of the meat in a variety of ways. Garam masala, oregano, perilla leaves, basil, Andes salt, tsran, pepper, red pepper, cumin, kimchi. These are rare salts that are hard to find normally, so you can enjoy tasting them little by little. You can't miss out on the various side dishes at Sogomjip. I personally think the pickled cabbage is really delicious. The crunchy fresh cabbage and the savory gochujang seasoning make it impossible to stop eating with your chopsticks~ The cool, shaved ice in the buckwheat noodles is also a delicacy..!
Water glasses, napkins, wet tissues, and spoon holders are also hygienic~ Pork rib kimchi stew boiled for 3 hours with whole ribs After waiting for a while, pork rib kimchi stew came out. The visual with a lot of red pepper powder sprinkled on it makes my mouth water~ It's a stew boiled for 3 hours with whole ribs. The broth is so delicious that it's much more delicious if you eat it with rice than a regular restaurant. My legs are about to bend before the ribs and samgyeopsal come out~~ You can boil the stew a little more on the burner on the table. It'll be twice as delicious if you add ramen noodles~!
Galbi samgyeop with exceptional meat juice Sogomjip's signature menu, galbi samgyeopsal, has arrived. The meat is served deliciously seasoned..!
The owner personally grilled the meat on charcoal for me..!
0 seconds 0 seconds Continues after commercial. Next video subject author Cancel Iksan Mohyeon-dong's famous restaurant Sogomjip: Galbi samgyeop acknowledged by mukbang YouTuber Yasiksi Play 3 Likes 0 Likes Share Play (space/k) Play 00:40 0:00:00 Play (space/k) Play Mute (m) Mute 00:00 / 00:40 Real-time settings Full screen (f) Resolution Auto 480p Do not use subtitles Playback speed 1.0x (default) Resolution Auto (480p) 720p HD 480p 270p 144p Do not use subtitles Options Font size Background color Playback speed 0.5x 1.0x (default) 1.5x 2.0x An unknown error has occurred. Help The video is muted. Help License This video can be played in high definition. Try changing the resolution in the settings. Learn more 00:00 Collapse/Expand Iksan Mohyeon-dong's famous restaurant Sogomjip: Galbi samgyeop recognized by Mukbang YouTuber Yasik Galbi samgyeop is the meat attached to the ribs. It is even more special because it is a precious part that is only available in limited quantities. It is a deliciously grilled salbi samgyeop. When I took a bite~ The meat juice burst out!
I thought it was beef...!
It has a taste that lets you feel the sincerity of aging for 240 hours..!
I tasted it with various side dishes cooked in various ways according to the method of eating galbi samgyeop deliciously. Since the basic meat is delicious, it is bound to be delicious no matter what you put on it!
I personally really liked the combination with geotjeolgi!
The crunchy cabbage texture and savory gochujang seasoning!
When the juicy meat meets, white rice keeps coming to mind..!
It's a rice thief ㅎㅎ The well-cooked meat is moved to the edge of the grill so that it doesn't burn~ They also grill mushrooms deliciously..!
This is the lean meat next to the bone. Since there are only two pieces available, my husband and I each ate one. As expected of a rare part, the meat juice was exceptional. The chewy texture and the more you chew, the more savory the oil taste was. > < 그리고 힘차게 끓고 있던 김치찌개도 먹었어요. 주먹만한 고기가 들어있어서 놀랐어요. 여기는 정말 고기를 아끼지 않아요... 남은 찌개 국물에 라면을 넣어서 끓였는데 볶음 국수처럼 맛있게 익었어요. 그냥 먹어도 맛있지만 고기와 국수랑 같이 먹으면 더 맛있어요. 찌개와 고기를 같이 시키면 이만큼 먹을 수 있어요. 큰 테이블이 가득 차 있었어요~ 디저트로 빨간 볶음밥을 먹었어요. 빨간 볶음밥은 난로에 계란물을 끓여서 튀겨서 만든 거예요~ 그러니까 찌개를 다 먹고 나서는 꼭 주문해야 하는 거예요..!
너무 배불러서 밥은 못 먹을 줄 알았는데 디저트 볶음밥은 배가 따로 있나봐요~ 다 먹어치웠어요 익산 모현동 소곰집은 유명 먹방 유튜버 야식이 인정한 맛집이에요. 고기와 다양한 반찬, 소금을 맛보실 수 있고, 직원분들이 직접 고기를 구워주시기 때문에 편하게 드실 수 있어요. 맛있는 데이트는 소곰집으로 오세요~!
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